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About the research

The research conducted at the Hirschsprung Collection focuses on the museum’s special area of responsibility and study, which is Danish art from the nineteenth century and the first decade of the twentieth century. The museum’s research often considers the museum and its collection within a wider cultural and social context, meaning that it frequently establishes links to other fields of study and knowledge. The Hirschsprung Collection is happy to collaborate with others on research projects, including other museums or university partners, and we are pleased to host PhD and postdoc projects whenever possible.

Important objectives for the museum’s research include

  • publishing peer-reviewed new knowledge about the museum’s field of study through its own and other institutions’ research channels
  • forming the starting point of the museum’s own exhibitions, special hangs and presentations of the collection
  • being a resource for the museum’s ongoing presentation and dissemination practices
  • informing and qualifying the continued building of the museum’s collection

Research concept
The museum’s research is conducted on the basis of the general definition and concept of research defined by the Danish Ministry of Culture (2009).