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Visitor information


The Hirschsprung Collection
Stockholmsgade 20
2100 København Ø


\+ 45 3542 0336.


The Hirschsprung Collection is located in the center of Copenhagen.

Bus routes: No. 6A,150S, 184, 185
Trains: S-trains and regional trains to: Østerport Station and Nørreport Station.
Metro: Østerport Station, Nørreport Station
Parking: In Stockholmsgade.

Find the museum on Google Maps

Access for the disabled

The museum is fully accessible to visitors who use wheelchairs or walkers. Wheelchair access is to the right of the main entrance.

Parking for the disabled in Stockholmsgade just outside the museum.
Disabled visitors may bring an escort free of charge.

More infomation about accessibility.


Det er ikke muligt at tage barnevogne med rundt på museet. Vi tilbyder gratis klapvogne, som I kan gøre brug af under jeres besøg. Til de mindste børn, foreslår vi, at I medbringer en bæresele.